we’re about arts. community. events. change.

TSC and you

Come for a ride with us!

TinShack Creative is a small production company, focused on introducing emerging artists, thought-provoking performances, and socially relevant events to build community spirit, resilience, and capacity.

Recently, we’ve also begun creating custom products for folks we like or work with, as well as to satisfy our own moments of hmmmm.

Now based in Victoria, BC, we (Tish Backs & Kera McHugh) recently emigrated from the Comox Valley, where we co-created a wide variety of events since our arrival there in 2010.

We bring over 36 years of active participation in the arts, event & music promotion, peaceful activism for positive social change, and community-mindedness.

This next chapter is wide open for opportunities to build new collaborations and partnerships, and explore new paths.

If you’re interested in working with us, we’d love to talk! 

The latest things: